Stella Maris

September 18, 2009

She slept on the beach again
Curled up nice and cozy
In a thick woolish blanket
Under the watching stars

She told me once
She was entranced
By the gentle sounds
Of the arriving waves
And that sometimes
She'd fall asleep
Under a midday sun
Warming and peaceful
Serenaded by the waves
Immersed in the sounds
The smells
The wonder
Of the edge
Of the endless blue-green waters

That was several years ago
And I can only presume
(As I wouldn't dare wake her from her dreams)
I can only presume
That she has found
That place she sought
In the peace of the waves
In the mysteries of the depths
Watched over by sun and stars
And Stella Maris
I can only presume
That the place she sought
Gift of the Mother of Hope
Peace, acceptance, oneness
That she had indeed arrived
At that place

Sleeping soundly
Wrapped, cozy, in a warm blanket
Watched by the stars
Soothed by the endless waves
Alive in her new and dawning dreams
In the peace of rest

Type: Poetry

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